A Day on Philips

A Day on Philips

A Day on Philips Cold and barren is the surface of Philips. The sixth world from the center of the white star it orbits, heat does not come from above, but below. The icy surface opens at staggered intervals to massive cavitations where life has found a way to thrive....
An Ally in the Empire

An Ally in the Empire

An Ally in the Empire When Darth Arborial returned to the Empire, the Empress Acina had already consolidated The Dark Council into only five seats. There was, therefore, no position on the Council for Arborial to assume in reward for her loyalty. It was a bitter...

A Tale of One Togruta

A Tale of One Togruta A flash of brilliant white between two beautiful and perfect golden lips. His eyes iridescent, gleam in similar golden hues. The strapping Togruta moves toward the Alderaanian courtesan Minmora through the sea of the people enjoying the party. As...
The Bold and the Floating

The Bold and the Floating

The Bold and the Floating In the deep recesses of the Asipra’s medical wing, an occupant floats in the Bacta tank. Glendrya is a frequent flyer of the medbay, much to the persistent annoyance of the chief medical officer. She’s been floating all night. What was...

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