Is That a Yes, Mr. Colar?

Is That a Yes, Mr. Colar?

Is That a Yes, Mr. Colar? Rain. No place in the Galaxy Embriex knows does rain like DK. They used to say the storms over Dromund Kaas were the soggy breaths of the Emperor in his slumber. Now he’s dead, or redead, or whatever he is now because it’s hard to keep track....
Agent Of The Rain

Agent Of The Rain

Agent Of The Rain Agent Zwy is already on Dromund Kaas when the priority command comes. Extraction of information from Imperial Intelligence. Immediate. She memorizes the name she’s give, saying it over and over in her mind. Nosa Inculpe. She spells the name to...
What Is the Nature of Hope?

What Is the Nature of Hope?

What Is the Nature of Hope? What is the nature of hope? Besk was told it was a lie. A false conception meant to be conquered in order to become a true Sith. There were many similes. Many metaphors used by brutal minds. Hope is like a mirage. Much like the false vision...